You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > Point of Sale - Docket Creation

Point of Sale - Docket Creation

Use this option to perform the following tasks:


Technical Tip

If you want your POS dockets to include customer signatures captured via the Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications signature capture function (refer to "Applications - Proof of Delivery"), you need to:

  1. Setup user defined questions (UDQs) on the POS header to contain the image of the customer's signature, the name of the person who signed, the number of cartons, the PDA user number, and the signature capture date (refer to "Entering User Defined Questions").
  2. Add settings to the Registry that define which field information is held in which UDQ (refer to "Point of Sale").
  3. Edit the web.config file so it updates POS dockets and invoices with the signature capture information (refer to "Configuring the Micronet Mobile service").
  4. Edit the invoice format to include the UDQs, e.g. the image of the customer's signature (refer to "Edit - Add Field").